IR Juniors wants to work closely with our industry partners to create educational and research opportunities for medical students and pre-IR trainees. We are seeking sponsorship to run our conferences & webinars, as well as pay for ongoing maintenance of the society. Below are some of the ways in which we would like to work with industry.
Sponsorship for our live events and conferences
IR Juniors will be running face to face events. Our main events are our annual meeting, the IR Research Day and IR basic skills course. We are seeking sponsorship so that we can run these events annually.

Workshops for our hands on skills courses
IR Juniors plans to run practical skills courses - including the IR Basic skills course as well as workshops at conferences. We would be looking for industry models/simulators to run these.

Educational grants
IR Juniors supports IR education at a grassroots level. We would like to partner with industry to provide educational grants to highly motivated medical students/junior doctors and medical school radiology societies.

General sponsorship
We are seeking general sponsorship to help support ongoing maintenance of the IR Juniors group.